Cant Install Plugins

Can’t Install Plugins? Do You Know What Are The Reasons?

can't install plugins

Sometimes, you may get a problem while uploading or updating any plugin. Have you ever thought about the reasons you can’t install plugins?

This seems to be an odd problem. There are many common errors in WordPress which can be solved easily. But such type of problem occurs seldom.

A few days ago, I was trying to install a new plugin but couldn’t. Then I tried to update another plugin but in vain.

If you can relate to such situation then this article can help you.

Why Can’t You Install Plugins In WordPress?

There may be many reasons. Most of the beginners get confused in and They should know that the fully-hosted version of WordPress doesn’t support any plugin.

That’s why to build a professional website, it’s always recommended to use the self-hosted version of WordPress.

What would you do if you can’t install plugins even in

1. Check The User’s Permission.

In some cases, the administrator of the website has not provided with the full control over the website. It may happen because of the web hosting or maybe you have filled wrong permissions.

You have to check the permissions for the public_html because your plugins folder is present in your WordPress directory.

Though if you have moved your website from the root directory to any other folder then it’s a different scenario.

And if you have added more than one website then you have to check the permissions for the folder where your website is present.

2. Multi-user Website.

On a multi-user website, this is one of the common problems. It’s because of the conflict with the plugin you are using to build your website with many users.

It would be hard to decide to whom you have to provide your website’s command.

Whether you ask your web hosting or you check yourself about the power to handle your website. There are many plugins which can help you to handle your multi-user website.

3. Your Web Hosting Script Is Not Running Properly.

Most of the web hostings have a script running for every website. If you can’t install plugins to your WordPress website then it’s possible that script is blocking you.

You can’t fix this issue. So the final solution is to ask your web hosting support.

I have faced this issue a few days ago. This happens when your web hosting goes under some maintenance. So always contact your web hosting if you get such problems.

4. Memory Has been Exhausted.

It may possible that the PHP memory gets exhausted. In most of the cases, the default memory limit is just 16 M.

You can increase the default memory limit by adding a line of the code in your wp-config.php file.

define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’ );

If you’re running a bigger website then you can increase the value to 128M or even greater than that. Memory exhausted error is quite common in WordPress.

Do You Still can’t Install Plugins In Your Website?

In this tutorial, you have seen all the reasons which can stop you to install or update any plugin. In most of the cases, the problem is because of the permissions or the memory limit.

As you all know that if you can’t able to fix this issue then you should take the help of your web hosting customer support. I am sure, you won’t like to take any chance with your website.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Great Article. Problems in updating a plugin can be very daunting for novice WordPress users. However I have not faced this issue so far. Though I think that your 3rd and 4th point can be the major reason which is causing problem in updating a plugin. Great Insights. Thumbs up.



    1. Hi Vishwajeet,

      Whether you install a new plugin or update the existing one, you may face such problems. The reasons are mentioned above.

      That’s even better not to get any kind of error.

      Thanks for your contribution.


  2. Hello Ravi.

    I had a serious challenge trying to install the premium theme I purchased from MyThemeShop in Black Friday but after long standing chat with my web host, the challenge was rectified.

    You see, inability to install plugins and themes can be very frustrating owing to the gravity of work one is posed with when he doesn’t have much tech knowledge. But your guide on WordPress has really helped me in my blogging career.

    Keep it up.

    Emenike Emmanuel

    1. Hey Emenike,

      When you buy a third party theme, then the first thing is to check is compatibility with the version of WordPress.

      You can check it at your local host or live server only.

      The final solution is to contact with your web hosting customer service.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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